Materials Consulting

OMDEC is in the business of equipment and system reliability; as such we are automatically in the inventory management business.  There are several logical approaches, depending on your objectives.... read more...

OMDEC is in the business of equipment and system reliability; as such we are automatically in the inventory management business.  There are several logical approaches, depending on your objectives....
1. If you want to improve the management process of ordering, receiving, issuing, restocking and disposing of inventory, then we have a 12 step approach that is based on the practical application of good management techniques largely through the EAM system.  We can teach you these methods as part of a standard training program (“Improving your Inventory Management through CMMS/EAM”) lasting two or three days depending on the amount of practical workshops you would like.
2. If you want to optimize the on-hand inventory using the above techniques, then we can guide you through the implementation of these management processes - setting goals and KPI's, followed by training and then on-the-job monitoring of results.  Depending on the size of the inventory and the numbers of people you wish to involve in the process, this would normally require about two to four weeks on-site.

3. If you want to research the on hand requirements of expensive parts so as to balance cost and system reliability, then SMS (Spares Management Software) will do this very nicely.  This applies advanced statistical methods to standard inventory and cost data to determine the “right” level of spares according to the reliability, availability and cost criteria required.  Capital cost reductions of 50+% are standard using this approach.
4. If you want to use an on-going analytical approach that constantly monitors your existing inventory levels and recommends buy quantities and dates, plus surplus-for-disposal amounts, then an on-line approach is the response.  Here we will analyse transaction data from your CMMS/EAM, confirm or re-set re-order points, determine EOQ’s and min-max levels and provide monthly reports on the required inventory transactions - all automatically via a secure website.
5. If you are looking for a very in-depth analysis of the reliability and logistics of components (more usually appropriate to military situations), the again we have the resources and software to deliver these.

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