General FAQs

We believe we can offer you...

1. a means of integrating data from different maintenance databases - for example your SAP work orders would now be populated by failure modes directly from the RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) database as opposed to the traditional fault codes

2. experiences of new RCM failure modes that can create a temporary record in the RCM data base using the data recorded at the time of the incident on the work order ("temporary" because the standard RCM validation process can be invoked before final acceptance).

General FAQs-Body

3. the creation of a standardized reliability database to use as the common base for many different reliability tools

4. a measure of the effectiveness of the PM and PdM programs by tracking how well PF's (potential failures) predict and permit us to avoid FF's (functional failures)

5. the use of proportional hazards modelling to establish the impact and relationship of the many measurable variables to the failure

6. the use of confidence levels to show the accuracy of the predictions

7. an optimization model based on various cost and reliability combinations

8. the use of sensitivity analysis to show the impact of the recommendations to changes in the cost functions

9. the bundling of these ideas into a logical work process which is quickly and readily adopted by customers (our Australian-based customer went from zero through implementation and training to unaided use of the system in 9 days!).