Partners in the US

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Partners in the US-Body

Clockwork Solutions, USA

Clockwork Solutions is a leading provider of reliability-centered, total-life-cycle Performance Prediction and Risk Management solutions for capital-intensive major industrial companies, military organizations and government agencies throughout the world.

Introduction of Clockwork Solutions:


Monitek, USA

Partners in the US-Body-4

Condition Monitoring Engineers and Maintenance Managers. Monitek is a supplier of predictive maintenance services and manages the technically complex end of industry, saving clients much of the cost and responsibility of equipment maintenance.

Introduction of Monitek:


Oceana Sensor, USA

Partners in the US-Body-2

Oceana Sensor located in Virginia Beach, VA is a high volume manufacturer and reseller of vibration, pressure, temperature and other sensors targeted at OEMs and End Users and a developer of Wireless e-Diagnostic® which is smart, network capable, wireless sensor systems that feature the Intelligent Component Health Monitor, or ICHM® .as a wireless data acquisition tool. The ICHM® supports a variety of different sensor types and protocols.



OSIsoft delivers the PI System, the industry standard in enterprise historians, as the core of its real-time infrastructure platform. A global base of more than 11,000 installations across manufacturing, energy, utilities, life sciences and other process industries relies upon the OSIsoft PI System to safeguard data and deliver enterprise-wide visibility into operational health in order to manage assets, mitigate risks, and identify new market opportunities.

Real time data gathered, archived and served to end users has been used primarily for real time operation and process optimization. Simple calculations derived from this massive amount of information (i.e. actual runtime hours or overload, number of starts) have proven to be very helpful in supporting a shift from calendar based maintenance to performance based maintenance. Omdec and OSIsoft have been known to deliver respectively best of breed solutions for CMMS integration, maintenance data modeling and real time data management. By working together on an integrated solution, we offer users, for the first time, a suite of tools that enable true living RCM.


PdM Technologies, USA

The world of industry and trade has learned that "up and running" is no longer acceptable in today's competitive world. Today you must use PdM instruments and software systems to monitor the operating condition of your plant equipment. The key PdM Program benefits are as follows:
Reduced Maintenance Costs and Unscheduled Downtime on one side and Improved Plant Production, Quality and Safety on the other side.


Synterprise, USA

Partners in the US-Body-3

Synterprise products and services focus on improving maintenance and operations at client sites while reducing overall costs. They focus on four areas: Reliability Management, Work Management and CMMS, Engineering, and Shutdown/Outage/Turnaround effectiveness. Products and services are provided to domestic and international electric power utilities, oil and gas plants, water and wastewater utilities, transmission and distribution systems, school systems, and other asset intensive industries.

Introduction of Synterprise: