LRCM (Living RCM)

LRCM (Living RCM) focuses directly on condition monitoring, reliability data, and related diagnostics and prognostics. Read more...

LRCM (Living RCM) focuses directly on condition monitoring, reliability data, and related diagnostics and prognostics. Read more...

LRCM (Living RCM) recognizes that the key to prediction and CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) decision making is knowledge. Knowledge in maintenance derives from reliability analysis. In order to perform reliability analysis we need a telescope to as-found equipment condition. LRCM uniquely solves the 5 decade old problem of collecting and analyzing the right information.

Maintenance systems, such as CMMS, CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) and EAM tools, are provided by many respected suppliers and all come with the promise to reduce costs and improve productivity. But, clients come to OMDEC saying: “I have this growing stockpile of data and multiple reports now on my desk gathered by various systems. Is there an intelligent way to tie all this together, simply ?”

BP Australia and Harris Refrigerated Transport are among the pioneers!

The answer is yes.

LRCM's benefits materialize from the very first moment, by:

The Living RCM system collects valuable information from data stores dispersed throughout the organization. LRCM assembles that data in a form that links directly with reliability analysis (RA) software. Maintenance users have long awaited such a simple method to perform RA directly from the CMMS and without the need to export and manipulate data externally. LRCM unleashes value of data and the power of hitherto unused RA software, placing the analysis results at the fingertips of the maintenance engineers and managers.

EAM/CMMS managers, Condition Based Maintenance managers, maintenance managers, engineers and reliability analysts, thanks to Living RCM enabled data analysis, will, henceforth, make the best short and long term maintenance decisions possible, particularly in thse industries:




See brochure. For questions or more information please contact Claudia Krueppel or call Tel. +49 170 9674101 in Europe, for Canada Toll free: 1-800-787-7961 or outside Canada and the U.S: +1 (613) 273-4366.

LRCM Brochure (69 KB)